Are the materials used in your packaging FDA approved for contact with food?
Yes. A guarantee letter is available upon request.

Do you offer volume discounts on your stock bags? At what quantity do volume discounts usually begin?
Yes we do. Volume discounts typically start at around 10,000 pcs., however, it depends on which item you are interested in. Please contact us to discuss your specific needs.

Do you sell to distributors?
We are continuously doing business with various distributors throughout the US and Canada. Please contact us if you are interested in carrying our line of stock bags.

What type of printing technology is used for custom printed bags?
Rotogravure printing with reverse or face printing. Please click here for detailed printing information.

What is the maximum number of colors we can print?
We can print up to 8 colors including white and process colors.

Can I combine different items to meet the custom printing minimum quantity?
Customers may not combine items to meet minimum quantity requirements. The printing technology we employ does not allow us to fulfill this request. However, our minimum quantities have become more flexible, so please discuss your specific needs with a sales representative.

Are samples available to customers for size and testing purposes?
Yes. In fact, we strongly recommend that the customer try our bags before purchase to ensure the correct size, color, and style is ordered.

Is there any way to shorten the lead-time for printed projects?
Air shipment is available to customers at their own expense. This method of shipment will normally save about 2-3 weeks.

If I require a custom size bag, but don’t need to print, do I still need to meet minimum requirements?
Yes. We still run custom sizes as specialized projects for each customer.

What are the normal minimum quantities required for custom projects?
The minimums vary depending on the size of the bag. As a general rule, the smaller the bag, the larger the minimum quantity.

Is there a minimum requirement for labeling service?
We request at least 1,000 pieces be labeled with each order to maximize efficiency on our machines.

Are custom materials available? If I have a sample of a material I’d like to use, can you match it?
Yes. We are fully capable of custom laminating materials to meet our customers’ specifications.

Do you carry any retort pouches?
We do not stock any retort pouches, however, we can custom manufacture them for you. Contact us today for a free quotation.

If I need help with artwork modifications for my printed project, can you complete those for me?
Yes we can! We have a complete in-house graphics department that can assist you with your artwork or design questions. Artwork design or modification services are available for a minimal fee.

Do you offer any recyclable items?
Yes! Please click here for a list of eco-friendly products.